Social Sciences Courses provides research, education and collaboration that is contributing to increase knowledge and understanding of the society, social processes and human conditions. It aims at educating experts who understand social phenomena and can place them in a historical and social context. The Faculty of Social Sciences encompasses the Department of Applied Psychology, the Department of Economics, the Department of Political Science, and the Department of Sociology and Social Policy.
- BachelorsTHREE to FOUR YEARS (3 / 4 years)
- MasterONE to TWO YEARS (1 / 2 years)
Eligibility requirements
- Must have a high school diploma or equivalent
- Must have a minimum GPA of 2.1 or higher for graduate admission
- English Language Test or equivalent
- Letter of recommendation for Graduate programs
Why Choose Social Sciences?
Social Sciences offers students the choice to major in one of the four social sciences disciplines or in one of the two interdisciplinary streams. Students have the opportunity to study a variety of courses in any of the social sciences disciplines as well as courses on local, regional and global affairs. Aimed to provide our students with a broad and coherent intellectual base for understanding various contemporary economic, political, psychological and social issues, especially those related to public and social policy.
Through service-learning, field trips, exchange programmes and guest lectures/seminars, students have opportunities to experience the practical and theoretical integration of the courses.
Employment areas and Job types
- Elementary and Middle School Teachers.
- Miscellaneous Managers.
- Lawyers, and Judges, Magistrates, and Other Judicial Workers.
- Postsecondary Teachers.
- Secondary School Teachers.
- Social and Community Service Managers
- Counsellors
- Social Workers.