The management of the Go2skul have announced their interest to integrate the list of sponsors for National Universities Debate Championship (NUDEC) 2021, following discussions between the two organs. The championship that is scheduled to run from the July 21st – 24th, 2021 at the Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB) will bring together students from tertiary institutions around the country for the debate and public speaking jamboree. The tournament which is at its second edition witnessed a delay due to the outbreak of the global pandemic, coronavirus.

The championship is organized by the Cameroon Debate Circuit, an association of debaters and speakers with the vision to be the leading rhetoric organization with open minded citizens. Despite the fact that talks are still on going to validate the sponsorship details, go2skul remains the first organization to have confirmed their space to support the organizers push ahead with their objective of promoting social cohesions, countering hate speech and extreme violence withing the society through debate and public speaking.

Go2skul being the leader in the domain of providing student assistance to study abroad is bend on ensuring quality educations for all and find this activity to match with their core values.
More of this, on our future stories…